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Free-to-Play Microsoft Flight Launches February 29 Towing $20 Expansion

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Microsoft's casual take on the PC flight simulator takes to the air on February 29, the free-to-play title supplemented with $20 of downloadable content right out of the gate. why fly just one Hawaiian island when you can fly them all?

Microsoft Flight is a flight simulator that's been developed with all levels of flying enthusiast in mind, from the pilot hopeful just a few lessons away from their license to the simply fly-curious. When you're aiming at a demographic that wide, it's best to just throw the game on out there and see what sticks, which is what Microsoft is doing come February 29.


The free-to-play portion of the game gives players access to the big island of Hawaii, which sounds lovely. Those wishing for a little more premium content, however, can opt to purchase the Hawaiian Adventure Pack, a 1,600 Microsoft point (that's $20) expansion pack that adds the rest of the state, a bunch of missions, and the Vans RV-6A, which I can only assume is a plane of some sort. *checks* Yes, it is a plane.


You don't have to buy the additional content, of course, but I'm sure Microsoft hopes you will.


Who's prepared for takeoff?

Microsoft Flight [Official Website]