Today on Highlight Reel we have big ships, skinless giants in Fortnite, cart tricks, and much more!
Watch the video then talk about your favorite highlight in the comments below. Be sure to check out, like, and share the original videos via the links below. Subscribe to Kotaku on YouTube for more! Catch up on all the episodes on the Highlight Reel Youtube playlist!
- Far Cry 5 - Poor guy never stood a chance - LiquidMercury45 Ω
- Skyrim - Rise up - @Doctor_Rover
- The Witcher 3 - roach what the hell are you doing - Kraven Bromo
- For Honor - :O - TlM0
- Rainbow 6 Siege - Jackal’s ability is superb sometimes - Feij
- Gears of War 4 - door phasing - Boyce18
- Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-mars-tered - onetartshart
- Battlefield 1 - breeching ship - DeadGear The Dude
- Battlefield 1 - hello there… - Saboteur009
- PUBG - Not sure how this happened.... - Z30N117
- PUBG - well this just happened to me - acogz
- Fortnite BR - first successful loop with the new vehicle - GoobyTheRaccoon
- Fortnite BR - Landed A Kickflip - Blockbuster
- Fortnite BR - Fortnite ATK roof jump - Emppi20
- Fortnite BR - Imperial Iceman
Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you record an amazing feat while playing a game (here’s how to record a clip), send it to us with a message confirming that the clip is yours at Or, if you see a great clip around that isn’t yours, encourage that person to send it in!