The DICE conference kicked off today, though I spent much of my morning in the room writing and working through design issues.
I hope you had a chance to check out my hands-on impressions of Duke Nukem Forever. Despite the shallow nature of the game, I kinda want to play through the rest of it.
Gears Of War For Kinect An On-Rails Shooter, Says Source Microsoft's Kinect may get its first taste of hardcore flavor-made a little bit softer-in the form of an on-rails Gears of War shooter, pictured above, said to be in development for the Xbox 360.
Follicle Follies, From The Atari Age Until Now There are approximately 100,000 hair follicles on the human head. Over the past three decades, video game developers have valiantly attempted to render them all. We've charted those attempts in one massively hairy infographic.
How Do You Break Out Of A Gaming Funk? Today in Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Wocalax needs your help breaking out of a two month long gaming funk. How do you rekindle the love in your relationship with video games?
Solving The Mystery Of LA Noire's Gameplay LA Noire's facial animations have gotten a great deal of attention, but Rockstar's gritty crime thriller is more than just a pretty face. Check out the first in a series of videos investigating the gameplay of LA Noire.
Veteran's Group Warns Of The Post-Traumatic Stress Dangers Of Call Of Duty Hundreds of thousands of U.S. war veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder brought on by their experiences on the front lines. According to Stay Strong Nation, games like Call of Duty: Black Ops can bring those experiences rushing back.
Duke Nukem Forever Is A Tawdry, Sometimes Gratifying, SpectacleViewed as the fulfillment of a nearly 14-year-old promise, Duke Nukem Forever delivers on all fronts. But held up to the polish, the technical marvels and the intricacies of the modern day shooter, this game - so belated it is almost mythical - is spectacularly underwhelming.