Do you really need to hear anything more than that? I certainly don't.
Greetings, Kotaku, and welcome to the Friday evening open thread. Many things from around the internet, including whatever amazing scheme that headline refers to, await you below.
- A mixtape of "Jazz for Metalheads" - This is awesome.
- Get ready for the greatest thing ever: TacoCopter - "Flying Robots Deliver Tacos To Your Location" No way this is real, right? But maybe it is. Their founder claims they're for real. I want to believe. (Unfortunately, at least one robotics researcher says it's just not happening anytime soon.)
- Do you have an evil version? I do. - His name is Dirk Hamilton. I was talking with some people about this yesterday and thought it was funny enough to share.
- Today was "Wire Quote Day." Here are 100 of the best - "A man must have a code."
- The Game of Thrones theme sung by Sansa, Arya and Bran - Ha, I'd never heard this before.
- A cool video essay on Mad Men's "Lawnmower Moment" - Such a metaphor, that was. Looking forward to this show coming back on.
- The opening credits to Hoosiers - Because my hometown team is playing tonight and I get to watch them play. Hopefully they're not losing as this post goes up. Go Hoosiers!