Death Note ended in 2006, but manga artist Takeshi Obata is bringing it back for a one-shot manga. Obata collaborated with writer Tsugumi Ohba to create the manga back in 2003. At a new art exhibition celebrating Obata’s work, panels from the forthcoming manga were on display.
One-shot manga are standalone releases and not serialized stories. There was a Death Note one-shot published back in 2008. Below, you can see panels from the upcoming release. It seems the storyboards will be released via Jump Plus on July 13.
“This [the one-shot] is a totally different flavor than the serialized Death Note,” Obata is reported as saying.
One panel (above) shows a schoolboy who had scored horribly on a test as he sits on a playground swing and is confronted by Ryuk.
According to Get News, it’s a completely new story and the total page count for this one-shot manga is 87 pages.
The Takeshi Obata 30th Work Anniversary Exhibition: Never Complete will run until August 12 in Tokyo before then traveling on to Niigata and Osaka.