Welcome back to the Kotaku Game Club. Today we're wrapping up our discussion series on The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and 2011. Since we've all (hopefully) completed the game, let's talk about the game's final dungeons and the ending.
Since we'll be discussing the entire game today, including the ending. Players who haven't finished the game yet and want to stay spoiler free should come back when they're done.
Stumbled onto the page for the first time? Let me give you a rundown: The Kotaku Game Club plays one video game every month, and meets weekly to discuss their thoughts on the game as a group, looking at it piece by piece as we play. In the past I've tried to emphasize the idea that you'll get more out of Game Club by keeping pace with our discussions.
Since it's our last week with this game, and the year, I don't think you guys need a jump-off. Talk about the ending. Give your final thoughts. Based on the past three weeks, I can tell that some of you have been holding back for today's discussion.
That's it! This is our final meeting for Skyward Sword! As usual, we'll discuss the options for what game to play next month, and let you guys know ASAP. I had a blast talking games with you this past year and I'm looking forward to playing even more with you guys in 2012!
Happy New Year!