Dungeons & Dragons has some complex rules, and a studious fan has created a tool to help you figure out exactly how jumping works.
There are a few things in 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons that are tough for a Dungeon Master to handle. Last night, for example, I had to figure out the a numeric value for exactly how difficult it would be for a ranger to use her lockpicks in order to unlock a 1,000+ year old door with a completely separate kind of lock than the ones she was used to. It was, in a word, hard.
Jumping is another one of those difficult things to figure out. Dungeons & Dragons has rules for tracking movement and rules for doing jumps, and there are even certain classes, like the monk, that can do jumps better than everyone else. It can get to be a real headache trying to track that info and figure out exactly what every character and NPC is capable of at any given moment.
Luckily Reddit user fek_ has created a tool to help you figure out how and how high far a character can jump. Are you a Dungeon Master puzzling over whether your players will be able to chase your thieving villain from rooftop to rooftop? You can use the tool. Are you a player who wants to fling yourself from a tower onto the back of a passing dragon and you’re worried about clearing the crenelations? Use the tool to check the leap.
If you’re heavily invested in the specific movement rules of Dungeons & Dragons, then this is a legitimately helpful tool. I know that I will be using it to keep the leaping kicks of my half-orc monk/barbarian in check during our next session. Or, alternatively, I might finally stage the dunking contest that I’ve always wanted to run.