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Feeling Bluer Than a Certain Cerulean-Hued Hedgehog?

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Call it reverse Seasonal Affect Disorder. Call it a recently realized jealousy of city park employees. Call it being stuck in a 9-5. Call your bad mood whatever you'd like—because no matter what, the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, the birds are tweeting, and you're stuck inside on Twitter.

So goes the life of the office-bound in springtime, but there is hope! Starting on May 4 Starbucks is bringing back its annual Frappucino Happy Hour week. Every day from 3-5 PM, select stores are mixing things up by offering 50% off all Frappucino blended beverages.

There are literally hundreds of ways to order, so no matter what you're in the mood for, you can customize your beverage to taste. For instance, you could go for the all-new Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino—a blend of mocha sauce, Frappuccino Chips, Starbucks' signature Frappuccino Roast Coffee, fresh milk, and ice, all topped with chocolaty whipped cream and covered with chocolate cookie crumbles. Or perhaps what you need is a little extra caramel sauce in your life? Well, Starbucks has a remedy for that too, with its ice-cold Caramel Frappucino.


Happy Hour is happening May 4-13. Sign up for daily reminders from Starbucks by just texting REMIX to 697289. Then set your Gchat status to "busy", sneak out while everyone is in a meeting, and start getting happy.