Asian markets have had them forever, Americans have had them for a while, and hey, even Canadians can now purchase PlayStation Network pre-paid cards. But what about Europe?
Looks like European markets may finally be getting them as well. A report on PS3-Sense points out a retailer listing for a European PSN card, complete with pricing in Euros (there's both a €20 and €50 card listed). While the retailer is careful to point out that this isn't the official pack art for the cards (which we'd imagine in Europe would ship in multiple languages), they do suggest an October release date, which just happens to coincide with the lauch of the PSPgo.
Contacted for comment, Sony Computer Entertainment would only say they "would not comment on rumour and speculation".
PSN-cards voor Europa bevestigd tegenover winkels [PS3-Sense, via TheOddOne @ NeoGAF]