The next episode that continues Telltale's intriguing take on The Walking Dead is releasing tomorrow, the developer/publisher announced today.
Well, sort of. PSN users get first dibs with its release tomorrow. Everyone else in NA will have to wait for Wednesday (shucks). From the official release:
The Walking Dead: Episode Four - Around Every Corner will release Tuesday, October 9th on PlayStation Network in North America for $4.99 or as part of the Season Pass option for $19.99 which includes all five episodes. The episode will also be available on Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday, October 10th for 400 MS Points as DLC within the original The Walking Dead XBLA release, and also on PC/MAC as part of a Season Pass on the Telltale Games Store, as well as through our partners on Steam, Origin, Amazon PC Downloads, GameStop, and GameFly. European and international release dates for PlayStation Network are still to be confirmed. The title is in submission with our international partners at SCEE, and as soon as Telltale Games receives a release confirmation, a date will be announced.
We were also sent two new screenshots and one piece of art (featured above) for you to enjoy. As usual, the group of survivors sees themselves in some tricky situations. But most frigthening is Clementine's look of hope as she leads Lee to what I guess she expects will be a reunion with her parents. Poor Clementine. If only it would be that easy. 'Cause you know it won't be.