They say necessity breeds innovation. In Elden Ring, sometimes that necessity looks more like a Thomas the Tank Engine mod or whatever monstrosity is happening in this video. The latest Elden Ring innovation involves players equipping an NPC’s underwear that was apparently cut from the game.
Yeah, it’s gonna be one of those articles. Buckle up.
The underwear is the armor set Deathbed Smalls, which is apparently worn by Fia, the lady who offers players hugs with a health debuff, according to outlets like GamesRadar+ and Polygon. Some might see this debuff as a dealbreaker, but what is a sign of physical affection if not debuffs persevering? If you’re wondering how you too can adorn your tarnished’s nether regions with Fia’s barely-there underwear, y’know for science and stat purposes, you can’t. At least not through normal gameplay.
Deathbed Smalls is believed to be cut from Elden Ring’s official release due to its risqué nature. Cowards. Players only discovered Fia’s underwear after utilizing weird free-camera work. This somewhat perverse revelation allowed players to match Fia’s underwear with her Deathbed armor set like some online CSI: Miami investigation. However, unlike her Deathbed Dress, her underwear isn’t a reward for completing one of her quests. If you’re down bad to wear Fia’s underwear, you’ll have to cast your puritanical values aside (in more ways than one) and use cheat codes to equip them.
Thanks to the folks over at Attack of The Fanboy, we know how to “complete” Fia’s armor set. Players have equipped Deathbed Smalls by setting Elden Ring offline with the Cheat Engine installed on their PCs. From there, all they had to do was enter Deathbed Smalls’ item number, 1930300, and voilà. Underwear claimed.
Here are Death Smalls’ stats, so you’ll have an excuse at the ready for when your parents or friends walk in on you dodge-rolling for your life as Captain Fia Underpants.
Damage Negation
- Physical: 1.5
- Slash: 1.5
- Pierce: 1.5
- Magic: 6.8
- Fire: 6.5
- Lightning: 6.8
- Holy: 72
- Immunity: 24
- Robustness: 7
- Focus: 7
- Vitality: 66
- Poise: 1
I see you scrolling down to their sell value. Stop it.