It’s not often that you see someone boldly call out Souls players for the silly habits they’ve learned over the years, but this Elden Ring account is doing so with gusto.
Souls YouTuber MattApocaalypse runs Make Up A Tarnished Guy, a Twitter account where he describes random tarnished players in multiple daily posts. While the account claims to be “100% fictional,” its posts are brutally honest “this you” callouts of Soulsborne players’ quirky gameplay tendencies that also highlight content they’ve missed as a consequence of their mind goblins.
Matt started the account in June last year after he got annoyed at Soulsborne players saying “git gud” all the time.
“As a Souls content creator, I hear the same joke over and over again from people: ‘git gud,’” MattApocaalypse told Kotaku. “After hearing it enough times, I decided to make an account that poked fun at Souls fans.”
And poke fun he did. Like Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, MattApocaalypse boldly pinned the modus operandi of his Elden Ring account by calling out players for saying git gud in the year of our lord 2020 for all to see. If that isn’t putting your money where your mouth is, I don’t know what is.
MattApocaalypse keeps his MUATG account well-fed with self-reflective content by making multiple posts a day, either from his own thought-up scenarios or as submissions from people via Twitter DMs. The fruits of his labor result in a range of posts putting players on blast for hoarding runes, simping for Malenia, or mistakenly thinking the map was supposed to be dark brown. If you happen to feel embarrassed seeing yourself in any of these posts, you can take solace in knowing you are among his more than 105,000 followers in the same Tibia Mariner-shaped boat.
While one might think Matt’s posts are poking the bear, the feedback from his followers haven’t been negative in the slightest. In fact, his followers react as if they’re cats or dogs looking into a mirror and reaching self-actualization. More often than not, Twitter users will join in on the fun by suggesting even more painfully relatable tarnished faux pas in replies. Chief among these being players buying all of the traveling merchant wares because they felt bad, activating summoning pools even though they don’t use multiplayer, and teleporting while sitting at a site of grace (you don’t have to sit, but your roleplaying efforts are appreciated).
Not every post is a roast. MattApocaalypse told Kotaku that his “did you know” tweets are some of his most popular. In them, he highlights important places, missable boss fights, NPCs, and items players might have overlooked in their hours in the Lands Between. These include the Murkwater caves, the towering Tree Sentinel, the location of Patches the merchant, the quickshot ability, or buying a crafting kit from “Santa,” among others.
The Make Up A Tarnished Guy Twitter account stands as proof that no matter how infallible the seemingly monolithic expert gamers within the Elden Ring might appear on the outside, they’re just as quirky and humble as the rest of the gaming community. So long as they’re willing to exercise humility and admit their foibles for the progression of other’s Elden Ring journey, that is. If they’re not willing to get out of their own way, I’m sure MattApocaalypse will be more than willing to make them the main character of Twitter for a day.