This will teach Matt Cox to take a vacation. Two of the more sadistic employees from Drawn to Life and Lock's Quest developer 5TH Cell cruelly, but amusingly, gave their lead designer something to tear through upon his return from recent down time. They encased every bit of the 5TH Cell team member's desk in sturdy-looking brown packing paper, then drew to life everything contained within. Nintendo DS development kit? Wrapped. Master Chief helmet? Wrapped. Destroy All Humans figurine? Wrapped. Even the poor man's Elite Beat Agents poster rests beneath a layer of packing paper. 5th Celler Liz notes "When he got back, he just gave up and decided to unwrap what he needed to work. A week later and the games, action figures, and trash bin are still wrapped in paper." Developers, if you've submitted your resume to these savages recently, we'd suggest a speedy retraction.
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