With Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, a movie about how Piccolo is Gohan’s real dad, releasing later this week as well as the current DBZ extravaganza going on inside Fortnite, we decided it was the perfect time to rank every Dragon Ball movie and see which one comes out on top. What could possibly go wrong?
Goku and friends have been through a ton of adventures over the years, including 22, count ’em, 22 feature-length films. (We’re including the two made-for-TV specials in the mix and, we’re sorry to say, the live action debacle.) And while not officially movies, special shoutout to the Mega64 parodies and Team Four Star’s abridged series. They’re not in the ranking but they’re required watching for any super fan. Now without further ado, here’s our list of the best, the worst, and the rest: