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Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's Broly's Ring Is Majorly Glitched

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's Broly's Ring Is Majorly Glitched

While there's no quick fix for this self-defeating add-on, there is a way around the issue

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A menacing Broly preparing to attack.
Screenshot: Bandai Namco / Kotaku

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero’s massive 180+ character roster isn’t exactly balanced, which fans are admittedly happy with. Helping to offset (or further expand) these differences are various Ability Items that provide characters with helpful buffs. One of, if not the rarest Ability Item is called Broly’s Ring, and it’s leaving a lot of people scratching their heads.


Those who played 2007’s Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 should be familiar with this unique item. Even newer fans who haven’t played the nearly two-decade old game can assume how this works in relation to the original version of the Broly character. Unfortunately, despite this, annoying bugs and contradicting claims online has led to a lot of confusion. This guide will go over how to use the item, your options for unlocking it, and how to fix the associated glitches.

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What Does Broly’s Ring Do?

What Does Broly’s Ring Do?

The Ability Items screen with Gotenks equipped with the Broly’s Ring item.
Screenshot: Bandai Namco / Kotaku

Equipping Broly’s Ring to a character will make them specifically unable to transform or perform a fusion.


If you want to know what great helpful purpose this serves...there isn’t one really. It’s great for trolling local multiplayer friends (if you equip this for the Player 2 profile set) and personal role-playing scenarios. This item isn’t going to help you in an actual match, unless you play better when handicapping yourself.

Broly’s Ring functions similarly to how it worked in previous games, and while there are a lot of claims that it affects the opponent as well, that never happens in my experience. I’m further inclined to believe it’s not meant to work that way, since the description doesn’t mention it being possible. That being said, the item is certainly bugged, and there is no telling whether that has impacted how it works.

Broly’s Ring is effective with any character that can transform. Fighters like Goku can feel pretty restricted without access to his various hair color transformations. Broly’s Ring even prevents fusions, making it harder for a mid-match Gogeta or Kefla reveal. Unless there’s been a cacophony of errors and it is meant to work on opponents, there is no reason to put this on a character that can’t transform.

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You should be able to use this item in every mode except for the story-centric Episode Battles. Most are bound to be using this as a fun way to limit fights against friends, or maybe roleplay against the computer. It’s certainly not fun when Vegeta turns into his Great Ape form and is no longer valid for the Impact Action quick-time events. There isn’t much use for this when creating Custom Battles either, as you can freely adjust whether characters can fuse or transform in those.

I can also confirm that Broly’s Ring is selectable when readying up for online play. However, I can never find a ranked match if one of my characters has the item. The one time I managed to find a non-ranked match lobby that allowed items, I was disconnected once a match started. These issues haven’t popped up for me any other time, so I don’t currently recommend playing online with the ring.

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How to Unlock Broly’s Ring

How to Unlock Broly’s Ring

Super Shenron offering various ability items.
Screenshot: Bandai Namco / Kotaku

The only way to unlock the Broly’s Ring ability item is by gathering some dragon balls and summoning a dragon. Bringing out Shenron won’t be enough though, since he doesn’t offer any ability items. You’ll need to summon either Porunga or Super Shenron, both of whom don’t drop dragon balls nearly as often.


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This exclusivity stands in stark contrast to most ability items in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero, which are available through the Shop or added later on as you increase your player level. Even the other items that the dragons offer are eventually added to the shop. Broly’s Ring remains one of the few dragon wish exclusives, alongside player titles and Dragon Orbs.

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How to Fix Broly’s Ring Glitches

How to Fix Broly’s Ring Glitches

Super Saiyan Gotenks facing off against 2nd form Frieza.
Screenshot: Bandai Namco / Kotaku

Aside from the uncertainty of how it works and the mystery of unlocking it, the item is also notable for having some major glitches. I’ve already mentioned that it can cause issues when playing online. My advice still stands that it’s best to not use Broly’s Ring online until a fix has been added in an update.


There remains a much more inconvenient glitch at hand though. Placing the item on a character seemingly works fine, but returning to the character customization menu will no longer show it as equipped. Take that fighter out for a match and you might discover that the effect is active nonetheless.

If you equipped Broly’s Ring to a character and have realized they can no longer transform or fuse, even if the item is unequipped, the only way to fix it is to restart the game. No matter the mode or how much you change their equipped items, the effect will remain on them. I’ve tried every potential change in-game and nothing else worked. Your favorite characters will be back to normal and ready to scream into new forms once the game has been restarted.

Read More: Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Is About To Nerf One Of Its Most OP Fighters

It’s awesome to see this novel item modifier return in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero, but the surrounding glitches do put a dampener on things. Fingers crossed that it’s patched soon, so everyone can use it the way the devs meant. Hopefully it will be rectified in the upcoming update that is supposed to fix the Yajoribe meta.
