How's everybody holding up under the weight of all that snow? We're talking to you, northeastern Kotaku readers and everyone else who wants to join in on some off-topic conversation.
Things are cool and comfortable here in Florida, where blizzards tend not to happen. It's a little frosty, but nothing tough video games media types can't handle. How are you ladies and gentlemen dealing with the cold? Is it keeping you indoors and playing video games?
Please, join us for the delights of an open thread, won't you?
- Darth Vader redesigned, based on Lucas' original description - Some great, some unrealistic re-imaginings.
- Library lets you check out humans for research - Toronto library gives people the chance to learn more about other ways of life.
- AOL trial discs cost the company about $35 per customer - Or "a lot" according to Steve Case.
- Photoshop Disasters rounds up the best of the worst - Lots of anatomical liberties and fun.