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Denuvo Anti-Cheat Is Part Of PS5 Middleware

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Image: Sony

Digital rights management company Denuvo has long been controversial in the PC market, where it also offers anti-cheat services to interested developers. Denuvo just announced that its Anti-Cheat technologies have been added to the PlayStation 5’s “Tools and Middleware program.” This means that anyone releasing a game on the PS5 can make use of Denuvo Anti-Cheat to try to thwart would-be cheaters in their games.

Interestingly, Denuvo said as part of the announcement that a number of PS5 launch games already made use of its Anti-Cheat, though it didn’t specify which ones.


Correction, 03/10/21, 10:02 p.m. ET—Denuvo’s announcement only specifies anti-cheat, and not DRM, as an earlier version of this article implied. We’ve updated the article and headline accordingly, and regret the error.