Motive Studio’s Dead Space remake is a bloody slow-crawl to victory, one that might be made easier with an exploit spotted by a Reddit user earlier this week.
The exploit lets players pop out endless Pulse Rifle ammo to exchange for currency, a process one commenter in that Reddit remembers using with the Detonator weapon in Dead Space 2. Though Motive’s remake made some changes to Dead Space, it looks like the franchise’s helpful exploit stays put. Keep reading to learn how to use it.
How to get infinite money in the Dead Space remake
Here’s the overview: stand close to a Store and a Bench, those workstations scattered throughout the game that let you upgrade your weapons and suit. Unload your Pulse Rifle using its alternative fire (R1), which drops a Proximity Mine you can convert to ammo (with R1 again), so long as it doesn’t explode. These converted Mines will get added to your inventory if you don’t load them into your Rifle.
Don’t load them. Sell them for 2,500 credits per bundle. It costs 5,000 credits to respec your weapon, and when you specifically target capacity upgrades, your weapon gets an automatic reload as part of the upgrade (without using what’s in your inventory or the ammo you sold), and more overall space for ammo. The more ammo your weapon is able to handle, the more you’ll be able to sell when you empty it.
That’s the exploit—use R1 to empty your Rifle, convert the Mines to sellable ammo, and use the money to buy more Nodes, the game’s upgrade currency, to improve your weapon’s capacity. Even after you’ve maxed out all capacity nodes, you can keep buying respecs to restart the process and rack up profit. Repeat until you get bored.
How to get the Pulse Rifle in Dead Space
The exploit works (it works with the Line Gun, found in Chapter 4, too, though the Pulse Rifle offers more capacity nodes), but there are undeniably some barriers to entry.
You first, of course, need to get the Pulse Rifle, the game’s most rapid-fire firearm, which you won’t acquire until Chapter 2, Intensive Care.
But once you’re in Chapter 2, the Rifle is easy to find. At the very start of the chapter, use the Kinesis module you just picked up to move a few magnetic boxes. Head up an inclined hallway and into a room marked Medical Tram Station. Go in. There’s a dying security officer (RIP) clutching the rifle.
As soon as she sputters out her last few breaths, you can take it from her and add it to your weapon wheel (rude).
How to upgrade your weapon at the Bench
As another Reddit commenter points out, it’s preferable that you use this exploit after you’ve already obtained seven Nodes.
In the Rifle’s upgrade path, seven Nodes work out to four improvements to capacity. Having that many capacity upgrades ensures that the cost of respecing the weapon won’t exceed or equate the value of the bullets you unload.
It’s best to use this exploit near both a Store and a Bench—in the early game, you can find that in the Flight Deck Tram Station.
Wherever you choose to sell and upgrade, though, moaning Necromorphs will likely flock toward you, drawn in by your entrepreneurial spirit. If you need to take them out and save your skin, make sure you use a weapon other than the Pulse Rifle so that you don’t deplete your sellable stock.
You can improve your Rifle’s upgrade path as you progress through Dead Space, too.
In Chapter 3, the Kinetic Autoloader Pulse Rifle Upgrade becomes available for purchase, and in Chapter 4, once you reach Security Level 3 clearance, you can open up a locker in the Electrical Storage Room (on Floor 3) in the Bridge’s Main Atrium to grab the P.C.S.I. Custom Magazine Pulse Rifle Upgrade, Polygon notes. Both of these upgrades reveal more capacity nodes for your Rifle, invigorating your new ammo-selling business.