To: Ashcraft From: McWhertor Re: Can You Answer This Panda Question? Can You? Hey Ash. Guess what I did today? A quick phone interview for talk radio, which our readers in the greater Pittsburgh area should keep an ear out for tomorrow is your answer. Despite flubbing some NPD data (oops!), it went pretty well, presumably better than that Sci Fi Network show on Dead Space I was invited to blather on. Think I'll just skip watching that, because seeing myself on TV is just too weird, stressful and invites comments that I look homeless or addicted to heroin. Have a good weekend. I'm off to spray paint 250 paper bags! And The New LittleBigPlanet North American Release Date Is... PlayStation Network: What Are We Agreeing To Now? How's That Mad Max Game Coming Along, Cory Barlog? LittleBigPlanet Faces Worldwide Recall For Qur'an References Mother 3 Fan Translation Completed Full Oasis Album Coming To Guitar Hero World Tour
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