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David Byrne + St. Vincent + Saxophones. Oh, Yeah.

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This new video from Talking Heads frontman David Byrne and wicked good looper/singer/music-maven St. Vincent is my jam. I mean… two of my favorite singers and a whole full-on sax-section groove. It's like they're trying to kill me with awesomeness.

Best of all, you can preview the whole album, "Love This Giant" over at NPR. (Thanks, Elliot!) There are saxophones on… pretty much every song. And tuba basslines! Good god.


That bit of musical magic brought to you by the Tuesday off-topic! Hope you like the song. And if you haven't checked out St. Vincent, well, you should! She's amazing.

How was your weekend? What music have you been listening to lately? Do you rewatch Stop Making Sense as often as I do? Feel free to talk and dance about that, or whatever else, here or over in the Talk Amongst Yourselves forum. Have good chatting, folks.