Even with all of Cyberpunk 2077’s fancy updates and technical fixes, there are still some bugs slipping through the cracks in the mostly-excellent Phantom Liberty expansion. One such crack which seems to be giving players a bit of trouble appears in the “New Person, Same Old Mistakes” mission, due to a progress-halting bug. One I ran into myself.
The quest is an extension of “Gig: Waiting For Dodger,” which you get while helping Mr. Hands get some influence in Phantom Liberty’s new area of Dogtown. In that Gig, you’ll meet a couple of cops who have gotten a bit in over their heads with some of the local criminals. The quest is a standout because it’s one of the most honest depictions of the incompetence of Night City’s police force, and V ends up babysitting these idiots when things get messy.
If you get them out of their predicament, one named Bill will reach out to V through a text message, telling you he’s left the Night City Police Department and has opened a new business in The Glen. He wants you to come visit, but some players aren’t able to see what Bill’s cooking up because of a bug.

I knew something was off when I approached the waypoint for “New Person, Same Old Mistakes” and the path on the map suddenly stretched across the screen. When I finally approached Bill’s new business, a hot dog joint running out of a garage, the shutter was completely closed. I could hear Bill greeting me inside, but couldn’t actually open the door to respond.
How to get past the ‘New Person, Same Old Mistakes’ bug
Players on the Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit have been corroborating each other’s stories about the issue. According to some players, there’s a fix, but how viable it is will come down to how recently you saved before reading Bill’s text message. Some players are reporting the bug is triggered by responding to him saying you’ll swing by. If you simply read the message without saying a word, you’ll still trigger the quest, but not the bug.
The trouble is, if you didn’t go to see Bill immediately after you got his message, you might not have a save that predates him reaching out. In my case, that was probably eight or so hours of game ago. Here’s hoping CD Projekt Red addresses this, because it’s a shame to get all the way to the end of a character’s storyline just for his garage door to slam in your face.
If you’re on PC, another option is to download the Open Sesame mod, which allows you to open any locked door in Cyberpunk 2077. That’s the kind of shit that usually breaks video games, but in this case, it will help fix one. Us console players will have to wait for a fix.
While not a glitch, Phantom Liberty players have also been running into some progress-halting issues with one of the expansion’s final missions. In that case, however, it seems more like the game’s wait mechanics getting in its own way.