Hey, remember how back in July a War Thunder player got in big trouble for leaking classified military documents? Three months later, the same thing has happened, in the same game.
The July case involved a player getting into an argument on the game’s forums about the in-game depiction of Britain’s Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank. To settle the disagreement, they posted what was essentially the tank’s manual, which was an enormously stupid thing to do—especially given it meant the UK’s Ministry of Defence soon got involved.
This latest case involves a player getting into an argument on the game’s forums about the in-game depiction of France’s Leclerc Main Battle Tank. To settle the disagreement, they posted a part of what was essentially the tank’s manual, prompting the forum’s moderators to wonder just what the fuck is wrong with these people:

Guys its not funnny to leak classified Documents of modern equipment you put the lives of many on stake who work daily with the Vehicles! Keep in Mind that those documents will be deleted immediately alongside sanctions. Thanks for reading!
As UK Defence Journal reports, the offending poster claimed to be a crew member of a Leclerc Serie 2 tank, the latest model of a tank that has been in service with the French since 1992.
This French crewmember will be thrilled to learn that, just like the British leak from earlier in the year, his suggestions will be ignored, anyway. With over 2,000 vehicles in the game, developers Gaijin Entertainment said it was, “no small task” to “validate, check source material and implement” changes based on “historical issues.”
It seems the players of this video game have to be reminded that, “The time it takes to review and process reports...is no reasoning, justification or any grounds to break legally defined permeameters in any way. We will always entirely reject any such documentation and resolve the matter with any legal requirements.”