Street Fighter mainstay Chun-Li is getting her own pachislot game, courtesy of manufacturer Enterrise and it's... well, it's pachislot, so I'm genetically incapable of being excited about the prospect of such a thing. The game looks to feature Chun-Li in various mission-based situations, presumably all of which can be resolved by kicking fast or faster. Guest appearances from Rose, Cammy, Zangief, Guile and the car from Street Fighter III will be included in the cel-shaded slot machine that we're presuming is Japan only for now. The very existence of pachislot may fly right over your heads, even with a Chun-Li starring role. At the very least, Enterrise got a bunch of spokesmodels perfectly lined up for the event, so we consider it a great success. Chun-Li Pachislot Press Briefing [Pachinko Vista via Majoria's News]
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