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Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Gets A Beefy Free Update

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Torn Banner's enjoyable first-person slashing game Chivalry: Medieval Warfare has gotten its first (entirely free!) content update, and it's a doozy. New maps and arenas, new weapons, a control update, and lots of polish and graphical improvements. Heck yeah. This is how you do a content update.


You can see info on the update in the trailer above. The full list is below, via the Chivalry website:

13 New Maps
- Citadel
- Frigid
- Argon's Wall
- And 10 new duel arenas
5 New Weapons
- Sling
- Quarterstaff
- Polehammer
- Flail
- Heavy Flail
2 New Game Modes
- Duel Mode (For intense 1v1 Action)
- Capture the Flag
Alternate Swings
- Can now do left to right swings!
Improved Server Browser
Blood Decals now paint to the ground when you hit an enemy
Can now adjust how long Corpses stay on the battlefield
Much Stronger Hack and Cheat Protection
Music Jukebox in options menu for listening to full Chivalry soundtrack ingame
Greatly Improved Spectator mode
Balance adjustments
Bug fixes
General Polish
