The newest cooking event in ChefVille takes us to Thailand, virtually at least. Madeline has arrived in our restaurants with a brand new Terrific Thai Cooking Station, Thai Garden, Coconut Milk Stand and plenty of quests to complete along the way. We won't waste time with formalities, so let's jump straight into finishing this event's "Once Upon A Thai" quests.
Poultry in Motion
• Place and Finish the Terrific Thai Station
• Harvest Poultry Butcher 6 Times
• Tend 5 Neighbors' Wild Onion Patches
The Terrific Thai Station is placed via this quest window and unwrapped using three energy. From there, you'll need to collect five Thai Hot Pots, five Wooden Paddles, right Wok Handles, five Burner Collars, and five Clay Mortar & Pestles to finish it off. The Wooden Paddles and Burner Collars are earned by sending out individual requests to your neighbors, while the other three items are earned by posting general news items on your wall.
While you're waiting for these parts to arrive, you can finish the rest of this quest by simply visiting your neighbors. Thankfully, the Poultry Butcher task is completed by tending your friends' shops as well as your own, so save some time and energy by using theirs to finish this quest fast. When you finish this first quest, you'll receive two Salt, two Lemongrass, and 10 XP.
A Grilling Spree
• Place and Finish the Thai Garden
• Have 3 Mastery Stars for Thai Grilled Chicken
• Harvest Thai Garden 8 Times
This quest series doesn't have a time limit, which makes the requirements here a bit easier to swallow. The Thai Garden costs 500 coins to purchase in the the store, and it requires five Lemongrass Seeds and five High Nitrogen Fertilizers to build. These items are earned via a combination of general news posts on your wall and individual requests sent to your neighbors. Once you finish the Thai Garden, you'll be able to harvest it for Lemongrass, which is needed for the Thai Grilled Chicken Dish.
You'll need one Lemongrass, two Chicken, and three Garlic to cook the dish a single time, but it only takes one minute to finish. Still, you'll need to earn all three Mastery Stars to finish this quest, which will take quite a few ingredients to actually complete. Once you finish this second quest, you'll receive two Coconut Milk, two Pepper, and 20 XP.
Picking Up Steam
• Buy and Finish the Coconut Milk Stand
• Collect 7 Bamboo Steamers
• Have 3 Mastery Stars for Thai Coconut Rice
The Coconut Milk Stand is only available for purchase after you've reached this quest, but you can earn Coconut Milk yourself before making it this far by tending your friends' Stands in their restaurants. As for the Thai Coconut Rice, this dish requires one Coconut Milk, three Long Grain Rice and two Water to complete. The dish takes 15 minutes to cook, and the first Mastery Star is earned after serving the dish just two times. When you complete this third and final quest in the series, you'll receive three more Coconut Milk, two Salvage Sage and 50 XP. Again, these quests don't have a time limit, but you'll need to make it to this third quest before you can finish the other Thailand-themed quest series, which is timed. Keep that in mind and you'll do just fine.
More ChefVille Coverage from
• Melt Their Hearts Quests Guide
• Saucy Shellfish Quests Guide
• Filling Connection Quests Guide
What do you think of this new Thailand-themed cooking event in ChefVille? Have you already unlocked the Coconut Milk Stand in your restaurant? Sound off in the comments!
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Brandy Shaul is an editor at
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