Boba Fett is one of the best-dressed bounty hunters in the Star Wars universe, but what if he wasn’t? Coming this summer to a Target store near you, Hasbro’s Retro Collection Boba Fett Prototype Edition looks sorta like he’s made out of six molded crayons. I love him.
Before action figures reach their final form, a prototype is made to make sure all the bits and dimensions are right. Rather than waste the good plastic, prototypes are made using whatever color scraps are on hand. That or boring gray plastic. Applying those random colors to Kenner’s original 3.75 inch Boba Fett figure transforms it into a lovely piece of pop art which I am quite pleased to exclusively reveal.

Part of me wants an entire line of retro Star Wars prototype figures like this. The more sensible part of me realizes that while these colors work on Mandalorian armor, purple-faced Luke Skywalker might not go over well with the kids.

The Retro Collection Boba Fett Prototype Edition goes up for pre-order exclusively at Target tomorrow, with a summer 2021 release. I’d suggest getting a pre-order squared away in order to avoid having to buy one from a Target employee on eBay once they hit store shelves. Also, May the Fourth be with you.