What better way to celebrate Father's Day than a relaxing stroll through Middle-Earth? Codemasters Online invites players to drag their fathers kicking and screaming into the MMO realm with a bit of Lord of the Rings Online. The game will feature a series of celebratory Father's Day events this Sunday, June 15th, ranging from fathers and sons fishing (apparently daughters don't fish, despite the screenshot), music, fireworks, and various challenges taking place throughout the day.
"What better way to celebrate Father's Day than spend it with your loved ones in the greatest fantasy world ever created?" said David Solari Vice President of Codemasters Online. "We invite fathers to come and enjoy the festivities that will we be running all day to mark this special occasion."
See? there's a man who knows you can't write about a special Father's Day event without using the phrase "What better way".
Players are encouraged to use the free trial at TryLotRO.com to get their dads online. Start downloading now so you can spend a lazy Sunday explaining the WASD keys to your father before giving up in frustration and taking him out to Chili's. Mmmm, Chili's.
Codemasters Online Celebrates Father's Day in The Lord of the Rings Online
Codemasters Online invite players to Celebrate Father's Day together in Middle-earth.
June 11th, 2008 - Codemasters Online are inviting fathers from across the UK to celebrate this year's Father's Day in virtual style by taking part in the Father's Day celebrations set to take place across Middle-earth in The Lord of the Rings Online.Taking place on June 15th, Codemasters Online will be running a series of in-game Father's Day events designed to celebrate this special occasion including father and sons fishing, music and fireworks as well as ad hoc competitions and challenges taking place throughout the day. Fathers are invited to attend these events with their sons and daughters and take part in the online festivities with the thousands of other players in Middle-earth.
"What better way to celebrate Father's Day than spend it with your loved ones in the greatest fantasy world ever created?" said David Solari Vice President of Codemasters Online. "We invite fathers to come and enjoy the festivities that will we be running all day to mark this special occasion."
The celebrations are open to both existing and new players to The Lord of the Rings Online. New players can download the free trial now at www.trylotro.com to take part in the day's festivities.
For more information on the Father's Day celebrations visit the game's official European community portal www.lotro-europe.com