The Cyberpunk 2077 refund situation only gets weirder and weirder. Developer CD Projekt Red is now telling players who requested a refund for the game’s PlayStation 4 version to sit tight.
Following a weekend of ire about Cyberpunk 2077’s subpar performance on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, CD Projekt Red publicly apologized and directed dissatisfied players to request refunds through Microsoft’s and Sony’s official channels. They did. Xbox One users were met with mixed results. By and large, PlayStation players were less lucky, with many finding themselves stonewalled by Sony’s stricter refund policy. (If you’ve downloaded a game to your console, you’re ineligible for a refund. There’s a stated exception for “content” that is “faulty,” but Cyberpunk 2077, despite its raft of technical hiccups, doesn’t appear to fit the bill. Sony has repeatedly ignored requests for clarification from Kotaku.)
CD Projekt Red’s apology also included an email address—helpmerefund [at] cdprojektred [dot] com—where those who couldn’t successfully secure a refund could reach out to the publisher directly for help. Yesterday, CDPR execs said that no special refund policies were in place for Cyberpunk 2077 on either Microsoft or Sony’s platforms. This morning, people who wrote in to the helpline received this message in return:

It doesn’t offer much in the way of guidance. Xbox players are pointed toward Microsoft’s refund request page. (As mentioned, players are seeing mixed results.) It does not direct people to contact Sony. Instead, it states: “If you own a digital copy on PlayStation, please wait for us to get back to you.”
CD Projekt Red said on Monday the helpline email address for requesting a refund will only remain open until Monday, December 21.