Captain America: Brave New World is coming in two months, and we’ve seen enough to get our adrenaline-loving, superhero-obsessed, conspiracy-theorist hearts hyped for the next installment in the Captain America canon. We’ve seen Harrison Ford transform from President Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross to Red Hulk, Giancarlo Esposito be a gun-toting lunatic as Seth Voelker/Sidewinder, and Anthony Mackie don the coolest Captain America outfit in years. Now, with the latest trailer, we finally get to see more of one of the least-discussed characters: Joaquin Torres/Falcon (Danny Ramirez).
In Marvel’s “special look” at the film, we see Ramirez in action in Sam Wilson’s old Falcon gear. It’s cool to see him zipping through the sky, avoiding bomber jets and generally annoying Wilson with his assertions that he looks better in the Falcon suit than the new Captain America did. There’s also a moment showing the pair out of their super suits, seemingly lurking around to ascertain information about whatever evil doing is being perpetrated by villain Samuel Sterns (Tim Blake Nelson), who we still haven’t seen outside of the shadows.
Torres, who previously starred in Top Gun: Maverick, first appeared in the Captain America universe as Joaquin Torres in 2021's Disney+ series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. At San Diego Comic Con 2024, Ramirez explained to Phase Zero that he didn’t even fully know what the Falcon suit would look like until they started shooting. “It was months of developing it. As we were doing the run-up to the film, it was like, ‘Alright, Danny, try this on. Alright, try this on.’ At the same time, I was training. So the suit kept changing and changing. By the time it was ready for me to wear on set, I remember looking at it and being like, ‘Oh, that’s it. Holy shit!’”
I think we all had the same reaction as Ramirez after watching the latest trailer. Now, we just have to wait until February 14 to see the Falcon fully in action.