The fan-favorite Prop Hunt mode returned to Modern Warfare Remastered on June 30 as part of Call of Duty’s “Days of Summer” event, which runs until August 1. In addition to disguising themselves as trash or furniture on a map for a wacky game of hide and seek, players are being trolled by one map with outlandish seasonal props and RPGs.
In Prop Hunt, which won raves when it was tried out on April Fools’ Day this year, one team of players disguises themselves as environmental objects while the other team tries to find and kill them. For this go-around, Raven Software added the “Shipment” map to the Prop Hunt rotation, with some unique attributes. Players who prepare to hide on the Prop team will surely be surprised when they spawn onto the map as a giant candy cane or an inflatable pool toy.
This would make for excellent camouflage if the map was a Christmas-themed swimming pool, but actually, Shipment is a tiny map comprised of trash, barrels, and shipping containers. There’s absolutely nowhere to hide a six-foot tall piece of sugar.
As if this were not enough, the Seeking team runs rampant with unlimited RPGs. Even if you do manage to hide your obvious prop, splash damage from a random RPG will likely kill you.
You might survive as a less-obvious prop like a trash bag or wooden pallet, but if you’re a snowman or gift-wrapped present, good luck. Prop Hunt is hilariously unbalanced on Shipment, but that’s the point: it’s a ton of fun to hide and attempt to survive the chaos.