The three main Call of Duty games available right now—Modern Warfare 2, Warzone 2.0, and Mobile—are gearing up for a new season of content, which will include all the usual additions: blueprints, skins, weapons, and the like. Tucked in this May 10 content drop, however, is a rather unique operator skin for the Phoenix Suns’ 6 foot 10 inch power forward, Kevin Durant. And folks are wondering how that will work, exactly.
Season 3 Reloaded is Call of Duty’s upcoming content drop. Featuring a new 6v6 multiplayer map, some extra handguns to play with, another DMZ experience, and more, Reloaded seems set to inject some new life into the shooter. But you might be (rightfully) wondering how Durant, the controversial 13-time NBA All-Star and two-time NBA Finals MVP, is joining the game and what he might look like.
He’ll get a limed-time store bundle when Season 3 Reloaded lands on May 10, replete with a “Reap This” assault rifle blueprint and the “Easy Money” sniper rifle blueprint. A price for this bundle hasn’t been revealed yet, but special operators like this tend to run $20. But those details aren’t what’s on folks’ minds. Nah, people are wondering just how tall the tall NBA man will be in a game mostly comprised of allegedly short soldiers.
Wait, COD operators are 4ft 2in tall?
According to a TikTok posted by Call of Duty YouTuber chasenoface, every operator in the first-person shooter is apparently under five feet tall. Extrapolating some figures based on the average height of a door frame (about 80 inches) and the distance from your eyes to the top of your head (around five inches), chasenoface did some math to discover that operators are just 4 feet 2 inches tall.
This led Twitter fans to ponder how Durant will look in the Call of Duty games, particularly next to these seemingly short kings and queens. Remember, Durant is nearly seven feet tall in the real world, so how is Activision going to adjust him to fit in this world? Will he be a Slenderman-esque figure, towering over everyone with an impossibly narrow hitbox? Will he go through a shrinking machine to drop to the same diminutive height that all the other operators reportedly are? Your guess is as good as mine.
“Is his character going to be a foot taller than the normal characters?” Twitter user Jay_Slide asked.
“Listed at what height?” wondered BrahmsTheGreat.
“Mf gon spawn peek the entire time,” tweeter aiahsey said.
“Will KD be shrunk down to the size of a normal human or are they gonna put a 6’11” guy in a shooting game because either way that’s hilarious,” questioned KENS5 staffer Tom Petrini.
And considering Durant has switched teams a few times throughout his NBA career, folks are memeing the same thing happening in Call of Duty. There are also jokes mocking his shooting percentage, which is actually pretty good.
“Every time you die, you respawn on the team currently winning and you tell your team that this is the hardest road,” said Twitter user Rex_Madman.
“Someone said he might request a trade to Battlefield,” yannyson1 said with a bunch of crying emojis.
“I played a couple rounds with him but we kept coming in 4th so he left and joined the winning team,” joked egid_io.
Kotaku reached out to Activision for comment.
Either way, I’m laughing my head off at the prospect of a giant walking around a battlefield full of tiny people. I’m also cracking up at the thought of seeing small guns in his big hands. It’s more likely that he’ll be proportioned appropriately when Season 3 Reloaded launches on May 10, but the image of a tall man in a small game will never leave my mind.