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Bust Up Your World Of Warcraft Character

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Why spend all day staring at your Blood Elf rogue's ass when you can spend all day staring at her chest? Custom statue creators FigurePrints is now making busts of your World of Warcraft alter-egos.

FigurePrints made a killing in the custom statue business a couple of years back when then first introduced made-to-order, full-figure statues based on players' World of Warcraft personas. The only problem I had with them was that they were slightly ugly, a result of losing detail when shrunk down to smaller size.

Now the company has introduced busts, giving players a slightly closer view of their characters for a much nicer price, $69.95 as compared to $129.95 for a full statue.


As an added bonus, I play an Undead mage, so my arms aren't really all that substantial in the first place.

Head over to to check out more busty pics, or order a statue for your loved one to make sure they know you still exist.