Kotaku readers, please come into this open thread and join in the conversation, whether you want to talk about video games or not. If you do, I'll tell you a shameful little secret.
Here it is: as I find myself growing older, combined with access to seeing impressive things on the internet, I find myself wanting to become a builder of LEGO objects. Yes, it's true. While some people yearn to learn a new language or learn a new trade or learn how to ballroom dance, I wish that I was a skilled LEGO bricksmith.
It's things like the above, Tommy Williamson's McPod, and Vic Vipers made of LEGO and custom mini-figs. Should I relent to this desire to become a LEGOist? Or should I seek help?
You can decline offering advice by simply reading up on the following or steering the discussion in another direction below. 'Night!
- The video for "Open Your Eyes" is the story of Rocky versus ED-209 - Err. ED-210, that is.
- Death Cab For Cutie's new music video boasts "The FIRST LIVE, SCRIPTED, ONE-TAKE MUSIC VIDEO SHOOT. EVER." - Oh, OK. I like the song anyway!
- Glenn Beck is leaving his daily TV show - Sadly, not being jettisoned into the heart of the sun. Take comfort here.
- Alec Baldwin says 30 Rock will end after its 2012 season - Sad, but better to go out strong then limp along.
- Complex's complete guide to Jerry Seinfeld's sneakers - Never underestimate the nerdiness of the sneakerhead.