BioWare must have sensed that I had thoughts about the Mass Effect companions on my spirit today, as it released a new tool that lets you pick and choose among the Mass Effect companions to make your own version of the Mass Effect Legendary Edition logo.
Would-be custom logo recipients answer a handful of questions and from there, the tool generates a sharp-looking collage featuring your favored characters and alignment, which you can download as a wallpaper or share on social media.
The questions start easy—choose your Shepard’s alignment. But from there we get into real Sophie’s Choice territory as it asks you to choose two (only two!) favorite companions and one trusted companion from among some of the most well-written, loveable, (and oh, so fuckable) characters in the entire video game canon. Even trying to choose between your “cavalry” (whatever that means) and the “backups” (which is a very kind way to say the dumpster crew) is fraught. Mass Effect is so lousy with great, memorable characters that leaving even one out is a crime. How dare you make me choose, BioWare!
Naturally, I fiddled with this a few times to get optimal placement of my Mass Effect besties. To steal some of Ari’s guide-writing thunder: If you want your love interest as the biggest character behind Shepard’s head, choose them first in the “favorite companion” option.
I call this creation “All The Human Characters Are Garbage (Yes, Even Kaidan Alenko).”

This one’s “Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss.”

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is out in just a few more weeks and I intend to play around with this logo generator to maintain my hype at optimal levels. Where’s the version of the tool that just lets you add everyone? Or the “Oops, All Garruses!” version. I want that.