Come hell, high water, lawsuits, inadvisable Twitter threads, or equally inadvisable voice actor casting choices, Borderlands 3 is coming out. Currently, it’s scheduled for this September, which means it’s right around the corner. Gearbox, it seems, has decided to prepare players by sending them back to the colorful killing (and looting) fields of Borderlands 2 one last time.
The new Borderlands 2 DLC, “Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary,” briefly appeared on Steam yesterday. While it’s since been removed, its description lives on thanks to Resetera.
“Return to the award winning shooter-looter for a new adventure that sets the stage for the upcoming Borderlands 3,” the description reads. “Sanctuary is under siege, the Vault’s map has been stolen and a toxic gas is poisoning Pandora. Fight new bosses, explore new zones, get new loot (including an entirely new tier beyond Legendary) and join up with Lilith and the Crimson Raiders to take on a deranged villain hell-bent on ruling the planet.”
The DLC will up the game’s level cap to 80 and also allow new players to roll characters at level 30 so they can “dive straight into the action.” According to data scraped by SteamDB before the page got taken down, it’ll be coming out on June 9. That puts it on the same day as the Microsoft E3 press conference, meaning we could be looking at an on-stage “Oh, by the way, [sly yet practiced wink born of decades spent in marketing], it’s out now” announcement. Granted, it could be placeholder info, but regardless, this DLC is gonna have to release soon. Like, super soon. Otherwise, it’ll come out after Borderlands 3, which would be kind of incredible, actually.