Citing the complicated nature of coordinating a live event for thousands of people, evolving California in-person event guidelines, and the fluctuating status of the global covid-19 pandemic, Blizzard has announced BlizzCon will be skipping another year.
It was a year ago today that Blizzard canceled BlizzCon 2020 due to covid-19, leading to the all-digital BlizzConline event earlier this year. Seems like late May is some kind of point-of-no-return for the annual show, and conditions just weren’t favorable for a BlizzCon 2021. From the official announcement:
Building an in-person BlizzCon is an epic and complex affair that takes many months of preparation—not just for us, but also for the many talented production partners, esports pros, hosts, entertainers, artists, and other collaborators we team up with locally and globally to put all of the pieces together. The ongoing complexities and uncertainties of the pandemic have impacted our ability to properly move forward on many of these fronts, and ultimately we’re now past the point where we’d be able to develop the kind of event we’d want to create for you in November.
Tune in next year to witness the fate of BlizzCon 2022.