By the time this post hits the page I'll be flying high over the continental United States, winging my way through the air towards Anaheim, where Blizzard is holding their annual festival of all things them, BlizzCon. As you can see from the official floor plan above, I am extremely optimistic about the show this year. There'll be concerts, panels, interviews, swag, stuff to spend money on, Blood Elf Women AND Night Elf Women, dancing together. I am seriously considering putting together a mailbox costume. WoW players know what I'm talkin' about. It's not all about WoW though, of course! I'm expecting interesting news from both StarCraft II and Diablo III, so stay tuned over the next couple of days as I delve into this new, dark world. In the meantime, if you folks have any questions you'd like answered about Wrath of the Lich King, or the other two, non-WoW titles, drop them in the comments section! Who knows, I might be just lazy enough to skip coming up with my own questions in favor of yours!
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