By Lesley Smith
While the rest of Kotaku are puzzling over that ever changing Blizzard splash screen and the recently revealed purple penguin, I'm sitting in a hotel overlooking the Eiffel Tower and stroking my press pass into this weekend's Worldwide Invitational. Upon arriving this afternoon, a perky Blizzard employee thrust the nice folder you see above into my hands along with said press pass.
While I'd love to report the folder contains the secrets of the universe, all it happened to hold was shuttle information to the event and – of all things – a walking guide to Paris and a map.
Okay ….
However the event itinerary has been released on the official WWI site; it all kicks off tomorrow morning with the opening ceremony and there's a press conference right after. Hmmm what could that mean? Whether it's Diablo 3, a release date for Wrath of the Lich King and Starcraft II, a new IP or all of the above, we'll be bringing you the news as it happens.