You'd think that the URL would take you to the official site for 2K's BioShock series, but no, it does not. And after the publisher lost a recent court ruling, it probably never will.
The domain is currently owned by Name Administration Inc., a company that specialises in...purchasing domain names then sitting on them. They bought it shortly after the first rumours of BioShock's existence surfaced in 2004, and because they bought it so early - long before 2K parent company Take-Two could actually file for a trademark on the name - the courts have ruled that Name Administration can hang onto the site name.
So 2K had to make do with It seems the publisher at least learned its lesson, as the upcoming BioShock Infinite is registered in 2K's name.
As for that picture...believe it or not, it's a real board game, one I used to play with my parents all the time when I was little. It's about sheep. And is as interesting as it sounds.
Take Two loses battle over [Gamer/Law]