You knew it had to happen eventually. The cover of the latest issue of the UK's PSM3 magazine features a story on the PlayStation 3 version of just about everyone's 2007 Game of the Year BioShock. According to CVG, whose network PSM3 is part of, the issue will feature a lengthy preview of the PS3 version of the title along with a slew of screenshots.
The title blurb on the front of the cover boasts "Why Xbox's best shooter is better on PS3", possibly suggesting additional content for the new version, but as of right now details are scant. Here's hoping for a better ending!
The next issue of PSM3 is due out June 5th. We would expect the official announcement to follow soon after.
Now while CVG lists this as official confirmation, we're going to go ahead and add the rumor tag on this post until we are 100% positive, just to be on the safe side.
BioShock PS3 confirmed [CVG - Thanks Henry!]