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Because You Subconsciously Demanded It, the Spiritual Successor to Shaq Fu

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In a post-apocalyptic future a mutation has created a race of sentient zombies that have enslaved mankind. The planet's only hope lies in a warrior of legend known as the Justice Bringer—basketball legend and Kazaam star Shaquille O'Neal.

Coming tomorrow to iOS and Android, ShaqDown is a 2D side-scrolling action game and the second video game to star Shaq, the first being 1994's 16-bit classic Shaq Fu. As you can see in the trailer, the whole thing is gloriously insane. Shaq battles thousands of zombies across three stages, facing off against a trio of powerful bosses with friends like three-time world wrestling champion Lee Kemp at his side.


ShaqDown (I love that name) is developed by Hiptic Games and published by One Spear Entertainment, of which Shaquille O'Neal is a major shareholder, so that explains that.

I love this man.