On today's Highlight Reel we have more zombie dropkicks in Dying Light, Last of Us glitches, an explosive motorbike launch in Battlefield Hardline and more!
Watch the video above, then link any of your favorite highlights in the comments, and be sure to check out, like and subscribe the original videos via the links below.
- REKT ☑ - Vaasik
- Zombie Kicking Simulator 2015 (feat Captain Falcon) - THRILLHO
- Sry bout that, m8 - Jim Bjorklund
- I Must Go - TheKettle007
- Battlefield™ Hardline Beta - Flying on a Motorbike Elliott Dwyer-Long
- Watch Dogs - Exploding Fence (submission) - SP4RTAN XL
- Watch_Dogs: Ups, I just forgot this :) - xMort
- Sleeping Dogs - Fastest way to get to the Hospital - Caelum Cunnane
- Iron Bull is a troll - ErisOnline
- It's just a flesh wound - Skeptycx
- Far Cry 4: Reality is Relative 2 - Daniel Carbone
- Cheating death in the faggio - jwaldman69
- GTA V - Never Ending Hillbillies! Slayer7744GAMING
- TRUCK VS TRAIN (GTA 5) - Seroths²
- Valentine - Rob Beecher
Previously on Highlight Reel:
Follow Chris (the voice and editor of Highlight Reel) here: @Papapishu. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel here.