Sure, video games are raising our children and you can't vote with a Wii remote. Now that the voting is over, President-elect Obama finds time to kick back with a little Wii Sports bowling.
In an article in the New York Times in which our soon-to-be President predicts a Florida win over Oklahoma in tonight's BCS championship game, it is revealed that Barack Obama's daughters received a shiny new Nintendo console when Santa Claus visited this year.
Mr. Obama said he'd have his hands full attempting to rescue the American economy. But he has gotten in a little practice in bowling lately on the Nintendo Wii his daughters received for Christmas. Mr. Obama, who famously struggled in bowling during last year's Democratic primaries, said he performs better in the video game.
I don't know much about politics, but it gives me an amazing amount of warm fuzzies knowing there's going to be a game console in the White House.
Obama Predicts a Florida Victory [The New York Times via GameCulture]