Levi Winslow's saved articles

Levi Winslow
staff writer, kotaku. they/them. beats: esports, creator culture + internet discourse, preservation + sustainability, news. send me tea and tips 🖤

Reminds me of Pave, from Animal Crossing. 

It means Quaquaval is serving lewks, hunty

Now playing

Basically, Democrats noticed that Republicans seem to be terrified of Joe Biden despite the fact that he’s pretty much just a doddering old politician with some good policy goals and a flair for grandpa insults.

everyone’s commitment to the gag is admirable. Read more

For context, if you were unaware, the ‘Brandon’ comes from the “F*** JOE BIDEN”/”LET’S GO BRANDON” chant from a ~1 year ago. Some conservatives think that saying “let’s go Brandon” is some sort of “trigger for the libs” or a secret handshake for likeminded weirdos, despite neither being true. And over time that’s Read more

Whats funny is Majora’s Mask was scary to me, but not for any of these reasons but because it had a “time limit”. Games with a set amount of time for anything give me such anxiety, even ones like Pikmin Read more

I was disappointed by the Thief franchise reboot, around the same time. Not just because it was a blatant console port. It just didn’t have the same feel as the old games. The blend of technology and magic. Read more

I finally finished Deathloop a couple of weeks ago and was itching to play more Arkane games so I started a new game in Dishonored. It really does still hold up. I don’t think I ever finished Dishonored the first time around so I’m excited to see it through. And if I still have the itch I have the spinoff and the Read more

#DishonoredForSwitch Read more

Dishonored will always be my favorite game of all time, for the exact reasons you outlined in this article. No game has ever come close to reaching the level of perfect atmosphere and environmental storytelling that Dishonored 1 achieves. Still think it’s one of the best examples of the immersive sim genre period.  Read more

I think the setting resonates because it’s different from the typical cyberpunk or Mad Max inspired dystopia. This is a dystopian world, absolutely, but an original one, and that is the main difference. Read more

Really must re-play this. Surprised that the official confirmation that Deathloop is a stealth Dishonoured spin-off went largely unnoticed. Read more

So really, you’re just expending energy for absolutely no reason.” Read more

Game sucks, company sucks.  Anyone want to play Risk of Rain 2? Read more

I really like the casual scheme. While I’ll stick to the traditional controls for my mains, I like an option where I can, as Max Dood would say, “slap buttons” and just have fun with the whole roster (mainly against the AI) without being forced to really master them to get any mileage Read more

Seriously.  This is probably my most hyped game for 2023.  Everything they’ve been showing has been fantastic. Read more