Levi Winslow's saved articles

Levi Winslow
staff writer, kotaku. they/them. beats: esports, creator culture + internet discourse, preservation + sustainability, news. send me tea and tips 🖤

Probably worth mentioning, as SE did, that the game’s accounts have 2FA and if you don’t have it set up, you really should.
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I’ve played Outlast for maybe like 10 minutes and I spent the entire time screaming.  Read more

Nothing will ever come close to when the dogs burst through the windows in the original RE. Read more

One thing I love about Bloodborne and other of the earlier Souls games is how scary it is to make a run through a level and cautiously and tentatively make forward progress while also being too scared to take risks or go fast in order to protect how far you’ve gone or the total number of souls/echoes you’ve got. Read more

And how exactly would a warning or ability to OPTIONALLY skip certain scenes alter your personal gaming experience? I recently played a game with spider-like creatures and there was an arachnophobia warning. And you know what? My gaming experience was completely unaffected. Read more

I hate that in general, a lot of us always direct our ire to the lowest rung on the ladder. If you want to bitch and harass anyone, maybe direct it to the publishers. They’re the ones that allocate money & time and give the final approval of things. Read more

There is no “criticism” anymore, at least in the traditional sense. It’s just people being mad and loud. Taking down all the gatekeepers (journalists, etc.) was supposed to democratize the conversation space around games, or any other form of media for that matter, but instead it’s just like Cumdumpsta420 on Twitter Read more

I’m a software developer, but mostly for stuff like boring accounting software. At one point I had the thought about how great it was that video game developers get their names in the credits at the end of the game and how nice it must be to get that kind of public recognition. Read more

“A whole reddit post calling out “entitled” players” Read more

Earth was a mistake.
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MMMMmmmm delicious invisible hamburger...

You fucking nailed it. I was more than happy to wait. Well done guys. Mike would have been blown away by this. Read more

I figured something like this must be it, especially when it’s a holiday weekend, and you need to collate everyone’s words once they could emotionally do so. Read more

That certain users kept concern trolling about “WHERE IS THE MIKE FAHEY ARTICLE” was annoying and completely insensitive. When a loved one dies, your first instinct isn’t to go and immediately write about it. You take the time to gather your thoughts and the thoughts of those closest to the person to make sure you get Read more

I’m in the journo industry, and I appreciate how much time and effort it takes to put together something with as many moving parts as this has. It was worth the effort, and is a fitting tribute to Mike.
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