Peter Tieryas's saved articles

Peter Tieryas
Peter Tieryas is the author of Mecha Samurai Empire & Cyber Shogun Revolution (Penguin RH). He's written for Kotaku, IGN, & Verge. He was an artist at Sony Pictures & Technical Writer for LucasArts.

This is actually why many fans like the Detective Pikachu game: it’s the first time we see the rest of the world. While a mediocre kids mystery, it has no trainers what so ever, so we get to see how police, secretaries, and little old ladies go through day to day life. Some have one ‘buddy,’ some none. Seeing an Read more

All the Play Dead games. They have become my video game comfort food. No Man’s Sky. Elite Dangerous. Silent Hill 2. Read more

I’ll never forget this dream (side note: im prone to very graphic and gruesome nightmares i draw on a regular basis) either way this was a twofold influence having been replaying P.T. and discovering a deep water fish account on instagram i went to sleep let’s say stimulated to say the least...

As i drifted off to

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. That was the game that brought me back into gaming as an adult. I had to mod and ini tweak the heck out of it to get it to run on my crappy laptop, but it's still a favorite of mine. Read more

My favorite game this year was Code Vein. It had me hooked from start to finish and one of the few games I can’t wait to do a new game plus run and play the Season Pass content.

I have a lot of games to be thankful for, but the two on my very present list are:
No Man’s Sky (especially considering their continued free updates!) and VGA Planets.Nu (a web version of the strategy game that originally came out in 1995. It’s a fantastic strategy game that has a cult following, all these decades Read more

If you’ll indulge me, please allow me to talk about a twelve year old video game that gave me more good memories than maybe any other. Halo 3 is not a perfect game. There’s a lot that can be said about it, surely, about whether or not its campaign is any good, whether the multiplayer was balanced, whether it still

Kingdom Hearts 3, Outer Worlds, and Death Stranding. All such phenomenal fun games. Read more

Probably sounds like weird choices but the OG Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. I forged lifelong friendships with people across the country and I had only just started gaming online at that point. It’s by far more important to me than any heartfelt story or likable character. I would have never met these people if it Read more

Showing my age, but I’m thankful for Manic Miner. It’s what started my whole love of video games even though I had no idea what was going on at the time. Read more

I’m glad you’re enjoying it. An important thing to remember is that Pokemon is very stuck in its ways. It’s one of those franchises where a new game is measured by fans primarily against other games in its series, rather than contemporaries in its genre, which results in some strange idiosyncracies that can be Read more

Everything is rather face value when it comes to Pokemon, I feel. It’s a very charming world, but outside of specific spots there’s not a lot of depth to it. Read more

I have a recurring dream where I’m at an upscale but no longer brand new mall where I always end up at a store digging through magazines looking for D&D modules.
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While playing death stranding I had a passing thought that die hardman could of been played by Idris Elba. Next thing I know I have a dream where I’m speaking to him but hes the character he played in the office. Hes firing me and I begin to chase him through a mall to ask why. Read more

I still play through this at least 2 or 3 times a year. This is the last game I expected to see an article about in 2019. You've made my day. Read more

Always glad to see Peter here!

As for Final Fantasy XV, I can’t say I’ve had any good dreams about my least-favourite game I’ve played this decade.
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I’ve long used up the entertainment value in Pokemon all the way back in gen 1. I sunk as much time into the first games as much as the average playtime of a Skyrim player and modder.
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I’ve played every generation of Pokemon, and let me tell you, it does not make any more sense to me than it did when I started. Read more