Chris Suellentrop's saved articles

Chris Suellentrop

I’m going to be a douche and copy/paste a comment I made to Jason’s “Video game aggression” article a few days ago, because I think it applies to the subject’s assertion that honesty with ourselves (as gamers) is the main ingredient missing from the “video games as a detriment” subject: Read more

yeah, it has to have a shower scene. Read more

I’m enjoying this sub-genre of stealth games that clearly represent your opponents’ ability to detect you. I’ve been running through Monaco with friends, and I enjoyed what I played of Mark of the Ninja. You give up some immersion by representing your obstacles, but these are all essentially great puzzle games. Read more


Most guys think the problem we have is the verbal harassment/”trash talk,” like “get back in the kitchen” or whatever. But for me personally, it’s actually more the “positive” attention, because it tends to be creepy and weird. Random friend requests, stalking behavior, and so on.
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I can definitely attest to this, as an adult woman who has played video games since I was kid. I never EVER use a mic unless my husband is in my chat party or I already know the person. I don’t get nearly as much of the “She can’t play, she’s a girl” or the “Ohh sweet a girl. You got pics? I wanna see ya naked, babe. Read more

Now if we can just get the teenage boys to turn off their mics our victory will be complete!
but seriously boy girl lizard whatever I dont want to hear any of you. I dont know about the rest of the people here but I use my mic when I have to and I despise every second I spend listening to others speak, video game chat Read more

Only the older generation of gamers actually still believe that women and girls don’t play video games. Them, and people with a vendetta/agenda, but I think most of us recognize that person when we see them and know to ignore. Read more

As someone who was a teenager girl, I can testify to this being accurate, and remaining accurate as an adult, it’s why it’s frustrating when games I wanna play rely on mics to be able to fully enjoy them, kinda feel left out because I’d rather really not use a mic for about a hundred different reasons. Read more

I “finished” Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture last night and I have to say, it was very very good. And the story and setup is certainly one where you can talk about what happened in it that isn’t explicitly explained and have fun speculating. It definitely had some inspiration from “Lost”, but it actually tied things Read more

I disagree with the people who follow esports are the same people who follow sports. I know a lot of gamers that follow basketball, baseball, football, the other football, etc. None of them follow esports. On the other hand I follow esports and not conventional sports... Like at all. But I will go out of my way for Read more

A good place to start would be using the players real names during broadcasts/commentary since usernames often get mixed up along with the gaming jargon (and some of them are kinda ridiculous). Plus it’s easier to drop actual names in a casual conversation so as to not alienate people from what you’re talking about. Read more

MOBA’s suffer from the “what the hell is going on” syndrome that, honestly, a lot of games suffer from as spectator events. Esports wont really take off until they become more transparent; I’m an avid gamer, I’ve played league, and I still can’t follow whats going on in matches because the game doesn’t telegraph it Read more

If The International taught us anything this year, it’s that esports as an industry represents a cross-media opportunity for games companies to make money hand over fist giving players something they want—prestige items in exchange for funding prize pools and essentially gambling with in-game items and currency. Read more

I watch E3, I love Evo, see to me, Evo is much better then watching a match of Dota. It just does nothing for me. I think you have to more interesting games before E Sports really takes off. Hell I would watch Rocket League all day if it was an E Sports title.
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