Chris Suellentrop's saved articles

Chris Suellentrop

There was an excerpt from this in the latest issue of Edge Magazine and I immediately added the title to my wishlist, though I didn’t realize it wasn’t already out (admittedly, now that I’ve gone back and checked, it DOES say coming August 20th in UK, so that’s my bad).

Definitely looking forward to hearing Parkin’s Read more

He’s got a point. The Order is a much more compelling game during the shoe-leather between firefights, when the atmospheric and decorative details come into focus, than during any of its major combat sequences or narrative set-pieces. The moment very early on, when Galahad looks out over the rooftops at smoke rising Read more

For me this is kind of like being able to appreciate the level of detail that goes into the sound design and character models for Michael Bay’s Transformers movies. They are horrendous movies, but I cannot deny the technical prowess in those two areas.
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He also loved Kane & Lynch 2. He’s interesting in his utter lack of any patience for any game with rpg elements, which means that there aren’t really that many single player games that are actually made with him in mind. It’s why he can write so eloquently on the campaign mode for COD or Enslaved but has no patience Read more

I definitely don’t think the Order was a great game, but I don’t get the venemous hatred for it. It’s a kind of boring game that is absolutely stunning visually...there have been crimes against gamers that were far, far, worse that we don’t treat as poorly. And again, don’t get me wrong it’s by no means a game I would Read more

“Its eye for detail is just absolutely stunning.”

You know what, from that perspective? I totally get what he’s saying. Hell yea, the game has ridiculous production values, and if that wasn’t the only thing going for it, it would have been applauded a lot more. Read more


The climax of Beyond Eyes moved me deeply, a feat that only a very few video games have managed. Yet I also didn’t much like whole swaths of the game. Is that evidence that there’s something wrong with the game, or that there’s something wrong with me? Read more

So I just bought this game the other day on Amazon. It finally hit $20 on a sale, which was exactly the price I was hoping to pay for it. I’m only a couple hours in, but there definitely is SOMETHING here. There is an insane attention to detail, and while most of it is ultimately superfluous, it’s fascinating to see a Read more

As a legally blind person (visual radius of about a meter, then I need to rely on my other senses- how she navigates is very much how I do. Except that most blind people I know- myself included- try not to walk head down. Even if fully blind, it lets of an air of a lack of coordination and confidence. Read more

It makes me want to go through the path where I will probably hate the game while playing it and love it or at least recommend it as soon as I finish it.
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I wanna know if he thinks that Pixels has killed any chance of him getting RP1 as a movie. Read more

Telltale’s episodic games renaissance actually began with Sam and Max Save the World back in 2006, and the doors were blown wide open by their Tales of Monkey Island release in 2009. #corrections
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It doesn’t seem right to have a King’s Quest without Roberta Williams being involved. If Konami tried to release a new MGS without Kojima being attached to it the Internet would melt, but everyone seems cool with this?
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The cell shading and apparent tone of the game remind me of Studio Ghibli’s game Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch which is a very good thing.

I’ll be picking this up “for the kids”. Read more

I have incredibly fond memories huddling around friends’ computers, and friends around mine, tag-teaming Space Quest, King’s Quest, and the Quest for Glory series. My mom has less fond memories of her phone bill with KQV came out for the NES and I wracked up $40 in fees calling the Nintendo help line.

There’s been a Read more

Now playing

Chris, I’m sorry to Triple Comic Book Guy you, but you weren’t invincible with the hammer on the Atari 2600 version, either. Yes, I did have it and played it, but just to be sure I looked it up. Start at 40 seconds in. :-)

Didn’t Duck Hunt come out in 1984? So if we sent stuff to the aliens in 1982 how would they have access to the Duck Hunt dog?
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