Stacie Ponder's discussions

Stacie Ponder
Stacie Ponder is a writer, artist, gamer, and swamp hag best known for her long-running horror blog Final Girl ( and her love of pizza.

Hmm, well I’m not sure what you didn’t like about RE crafting, but I’ll try to clarify.

You find weapon parts to upgrade various aspects of your weapon (damage, mag size, etc).

Crafting ammo and health supplies is easy–not a lot of ingredients required at all and ingredients are fairly plentiful, at least early on (on Read more

I think it’s a bit easier than the original. I played on “Survivor” difficulty, which I suppose would be akin to “normal.” I definitely got into some binds, as I mentioned, but those were mostly my fault. Some encounters were difficult because of cramped quarters, but there was never a time I was so frustrated that I Read more

You know, honestly I almost mentioned that Dagon might also appeal to fans of another game as well...

I wanted to give a bit of love and attention to Pandorum as it’s not the greatest film of all time but it’s enjoyable and often overlooked. It’s more “frenetic action” than Event Horizon, which is why I highlighted the game parallel–but as Event Horizon is simply a brilliant horror film in the same sci-fi vein, I Read more

Oh, definitely not offensive at all, no worries!

I considered adding Degeneration when writing this (someone down below mentioned it as well) but man, there are SO MANY mobile Resident Evil games out there it’s nuts. I had no idea until I dug into this. Degeneration, Genesis, The Stories, Mercenaries VS...literally Read more

This piece started as *versions* of RE games ranked, but talk about unwieldy! Resident Evil, Resident Evil Director’s Cut, Resident Evil Dual Shock...they all got pared down when I simplified to platforms and those three got lost in the shuffle. So thanks for spotting/mentioning it! This post was almost a Jill Read more

Like everything else the developers have on their plate (new DLC costume packs, new Jasons and Jason skins, new maps) the single player campaign is currently in the land called “Soon.” I’m looking forward to it and will definitely update when I know more! Read more