Mass Deduction (née scrapking)'s discussions

Mass Deduction (née scrapking)

My disgust over this incident stopped me visiting Gamespot (which I did regularly) and started the search for a new site, which ended when I found Kotaku. So, all's well that ends well. :) Read more

There are precedents for book series being retro-titled, though. I believe some of the Sookie Stackhouse mysteries may have been retitled under "True Blood", for example. Read more

""Players rant—they know nothing about this DLC that's coming out except its name. But then it's 'oh this game must be incomplete, the game must be ruined.' Game developers are not evil. (Some are evil.) But most are not evil." Read more

I haven't seen any attempt to retroactively retitle the e-books yet, they're all still listed under the "A Song of Ice and Fire". Read more

I agree with the OP (and, not seeing his comment until just now, laid out one of my own along the same lines). The PS3 will never be tapped out, just as the PS2 and PS1 never were. Optimisation never ends, yet you eventually have to ship a product. Gaming is a business, so the real question is how much of the PS3 Read more

I predict the PS3 will never hit $99 (except perhaps a brief clearance price of an older SKU once they reintroduce a newer SKU). The hard drive is an albatross around the PS3's neck when it comes to price reductions. The 360 has its 4GB (ie. HDD-less) version on sale for $129.99 this week (at least in Canada), but Read more

Wait until they come out as a Game Of The Year edition with all the DLC and all the title updates. You'll get complete games, as bug free as they're likely to ever be, and you'll pay less. I've long since given up buying retail games day 1. You pay the most money for the least complete, least quality product on day Read more

I'm not sure why I would want a dedicated device for a service like this, when I can already do this on my Xbox 360, my PVR, and a tonne of other devices. Is their pricing better than Zune? Is their selection better than Netflix? I'm just trying to see what market segment they're courting. Read more

"Mike Capps, from Epic Games, says that it has more memory than an Xbox 360 or a PlayStation 3. Presumably, his comment refers to graphics memory. We will know soon how much this is exactly." Read more